Rosters and Timesheets are managed by
To access the system, open the website or use the Android/iPhone app.
You will be emailed a joining link that will allow you to set your password, or you can use the forgotten password link in the login page
Your initial screen will show the roster of all staff
Kennel hands are shown in Green, Nurses in Blue and Vets in Orange.
Recommended Changes – Click Options
Tick “Wrap weeks vertically:”
Tick “Display my shifts on top:”
Change “Sort team members by:” to “Department”
The Roster View
The roster view allows you to move weeks LEFT/RIGHT or use the star to go to today. You can also change the number of weeks shown.

Changes to Roster
If you roster is incorrect, you can request changes by clicking on a cell and then typing into that cell .
NOTE: this is not if you are taking paid leave

When typing times into the system, it is quite flexible e.g.
- 8-5 = 8am-5pm
- 8-515 = 8am-5.15pm
- 8.30-5.20 = 8:30am – 5:20pm
- 0800-1300 = 8am-1pm
Once you have typed your roster change, it will appear in yellow as an unapproved changed.

Requesting Annual Leave
In planning your Annual leave, you can current requests for time off by other staff using the “Time off” menu and selecting “Time off planner”

The time-off planner shows the initials of any person who has approved requests. To include requested leave, you will need to click [Options] and tick “Not approved”
For leave next year, you can change calendar year using the [Options] menu
Requesting leave
To make a leave request, select “Time off” and “Request time off”

Select the Type of time off:
Annual Leave: when using annual leave (paid time off)
Unavailable: requesting not to be roster your normal hours on that day
Display: This gives information that will be displayed on the roster – NOTE: other employees will be able to see this. You may choose include information such as “Wedding” or “Overseas” however additional information is not required.
After lodging a leave request, you will be notified if the leave request is approved.
Completing Your Timesheet
- Select [Timesheets]
- Check the date is correct!
- Click on the cell and type the time of your shift. NOTE: a 30 minute break will automatically be added

NOTE: you do not need to alter your roster if your shift differs from your actual worked!
If you need to add a note to your timesheet, right-click on the day and select [+ Add] – [Comment]

Examples of comments include mileage, reimbursement of expenses, notes regarding last pay period:
House call – 16km
Aldi - $15.23
Left early (you do not need to let me know this unless you are requesting leave to be paid for this time)
Other employees will not see your notes.
Personal / Sick / Carer’s Leave
If you are requesting to use personal leave during the current pay period,
Select [Timesheet]
Right click on the shift and select [+ Add] – [Time off] – [Personal Leave]

The request will show in yellow:

Leaving work early using Personal Leave
- Check your roster is correct! It is displayed on your timesheet in grey
- Type the hours you worked into the timesheet – they will be in green (until approved)
- Add Personal leave as above for the day

The cell will show your roster, time worked, and that you are requesting personal leave for the remainder of the day.